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Thank you for considering Info Twist solutions for your project.

We’ve put together this project planner to help you capture your vision for your web project. We realise that it’s quite a bit of information to give upfront but the more detail you provide us with, the better we’ll be able to respond.
If you don’t know how to respond to some of the questions, or would like to us to go through it with you in person or over the phone, just send us an email to,

    General Information

    Your name & job title: *

    Your email address & other contact details: *

    What’s the name of your company/organization? *

    Describe your company (where are you based, what do you do, who are your customers:

    Describe what makes your company/organization stand out from the crowd:

    Project Information

    Do you have a current website? Is this a redesign or your current website or a new project all together? What is the web address?

    If you have an existing site, what areas of the site do you feel are successful and why?

    What shortcoming exists with the current site?

    In as much details possible, please describe what the new site will do?

    What is the main business problem you trying to solve with the new site? (eg. Improving sales rate, increase customer satisfaction etc..)

    What is your measure for success – and what are you hoping to achieve?

    Are there other sites that you consider competitors? Please list some competitors URL’s.

    What elements of their sites do you consider a success?

    Aside from your competitors, have you come across any sites that you’ve liked the visual design of? What did you like about the design? (List as many examples as you like)

    Your Audience

    To the best of your ability, describe what you think is a typical visitor to your site? What age are they, what websites do they visit, and what do they do for a living (as much information as possible)?

    These are your primary users. You can have multiple groups of primary users, so feel free to type as much information as you want.

    Are there any other people that might visit your site?

    These are called your secondary users.

    What actions will the typical user perform when they visit your site?

    For example: Register as a customer, search for information etc.

    Time and Money

    What is your intended launch date for the new site?

    Any reason for this date?

    Do you have budget range established for this project? What are you looking to spend to achieve your vision?
(eg, ₹10k-₹15k, ₹15k-₹20k, ₹20-30k, ₹30k+)

    We understand that you may not wish to tell us your exact budget but by letting us know a range we can provide you with a solution that’s realistic and achievable for that range.

    Inspirational websites

    We’ve tried to keep this project planner as general as possible, but we know that every project is unique. Let us know anything else that you think will help.

    Additional Comments

    We’ve tried to keep this project planner as general as possible, but we know that every project is unique. Let us know anything else that you think will help.

    Upload any files as reference
